As we begin the new year and people are preparing their new journals (ahh is there a better feeling than opening a fresh blank page in a new journal!) a lot of you are thinking about what you want to achieve in the new year. We often like to allocate a word or phrase to the year that gives us some focus and sets our intentions for the 12 months ahead. This becomes our Mantra.
What is a Mantra?
The word Mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words—manas (mind) and tra (tool). Mantra literally means “a tool for the mind.” Historical Mantra’s have been used during meditation to raise vibration through the repetition of the sound or phrase.
Your Mantra should be a word that resonates with you, an affirmation, a war cry or a go-to phrase to repeat when you are not feeling inspired.
Do you need a Mantra?
Of course not, but once I tell you the benefits of having and repeating your mantra, you may be asking yourself how you have got this far without one.
Has humans we are wired to seek out the negative in the world, however research has shown we are capable of creating new neural pathways in our brain. As a result we can change the negative default into a more positive one. Repeating your word or mantra continually creates new neuron pathways. It doesn’t happen over night but with continual practice your default could become one of “I can do anything”.
“Our brains do not contain fixed hardwiring; the neural pathways and circuits can in fact change with learning and with mental exercises”.
Repeating your mantra can also help you solidify your goals and strengthen your resolve to achieve them. Have your affirmation in the back of your mind when you are setting your goals can help you feel more confident and keep you focussed.
A recent study has shown that people who repeat their mantra on a regular basis can change how they feel about themselves and can reduce levels of stress, anger and anxiety. It can provide a sense of calm and well-being.
Repeating Mantras is an ancient tradition that has been practised for centuries.
How do you select a Mantra?
So, what should your word or mantra be? This is not something you should dwell over for too long. One of the oldest mantra’s used is Aum (usually pronounced OM) repeated over and over again. However, you do want it to mean something to you.
Spend some quiet time and check in with how you are feeling and determine what you need to hear – try not to over think it. We have some suggestions below, one or more may resonate with you. Just because you pick one now doesn’t mean you can’t change it if you need to hear something different in the future. You may choose to have a different mantra every month. I would not recommend changing it every day – remember repetition is the key, we want to build those new neurons, so this becomes our default.
Some people have more than one mantra or affirmation. Hal Elrod, author of the Miracle Morning has a list of affirmations he repeats to himself daily. He suggests to develop your affirmations to ask yourself these five question:
- What do you really want?
- Why do you want it?
- Who are you committed to being to create it?
- What you’re committed to doing to attain it?
- Add inspirational quotes and philosophies!
Another way to think about it, is to work backwards:
- Start with what you want to achieve
- Then ask yourself “how will I have to feel to achieve this?”
- What thought will evoke that feeling?
For example, if I wanted to lose 5 kilos. How would I have to feel to achieve this? I would have to feel in control and motivated. What thought would evoke that feeling? “I can achieve anything I put my mind to.” “I am strong, healthy and in control of my life.”
As you can see it doesn’t have to be poetic, but it does need to be positive. So rather than saying “I have to stop sitting on the lounge and eating” you would say “I am active and enjoy getting outdoors”.
Another example, if you have always wanted to write a book but it has just never happened. Rather than saying “I will stop procrastinating and write my book” you could say “If it’s meant to be it’s up to me!”
Can you hear the difference? Some studies have shown that the words are not necessarily that important it is the feeling they evoke that really has the impact.
If you are still struggling to find your own Mantra, don’t stress there is plenty of inspiration around. In fact, at the end of this article there is a list of single words you may like to use as theme for this year’s journal and a list of inspirational quotes. I’m sure you’ll find one that resonates with you.
How to use your Mantra
You have developed a mantra that rings true to you and helps bring you calm, inspiration or drive, depending on what you need right now, so now what do you do with it.
You write it in your journal, of course. It’s always nice at the beginning of the year to see the many posts of people’s beautiful journals, showing their word of the year or quote of the year. But remember it doesn’t have to be a work of art, it just needs to written down some where you can see it when you need to. I suggest once you have written in your journal, take a photo of the page and make it the screen saver on your phone. Then you will see the quote every time you look at your phone.

Repeating your mantra is the key to creating new neural pathways, you may want to try:
- Repeating it several times to yourself in the morning when you wake up – this can have a very positive effect on your day.
- Sit in a quiet location and play some soft music or sit outside in nature and repeat it to yourself as a form of meditation.
- Write it in your journal every day. If you do a daily spread leave a space to write your Mantra.
- Create an Affirmation Page in your journal and make it a practise to write it down everyday morning and every evening.
- Write your Mantra on a post it note and stick it to the mirror in your bathroom, so it’s the first thing you see every day.
- Repeat it out loud to yourself while you are having a shower.
Remember, repetition is the key to getting this type of thinking and feeling to be your default. Your thinking effects your feelings and your feelings effect your actions. Your actions effect your results. If we can change our thinking, we can change our lives.
It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.
Mantra Inspiration
If you are still struggling to determine your own Mantra, there is nothing wrong with borrowing someone else’s if it makes you feel how you want to feel. Below is a collection I came up with, but there is plenty more inspiration on Pinterest or Instagram.
Are you ready to be inspired!
Everything thing is figureoutable – Maria Forleo
Nothing to it but to do it
If it is to be, it is up to me
If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right – Henry Ford
You can think yourself into, or think yourself out of action – Professional Clough
Expect nothing, appreciate everything
I have what I need to get through this.
You win some you learn some
Be a warrior, not a worrier
Every day is a second chance.
Give up the good and go for the great
Choose purpose over perfect
Done is better than perfect
Never give up
I am the change
Find a way or make one
Everything I need is within me
Feel the fear and do it anyway
I can and I will
Feelings are not facts
I write my destiny
Don’t stress about things I can’t control or change
Positive mind positive life
Inhale the future, exhale the past
I am enough
In me I trust.
Just ride this wave
Life is short. Smile while I still have teeth
Today brings me abundant happiness
I am protected in all ways
I bring joy to everyone I meet and manifest positive encounters
I end my day in peace and harmony. I release what does not serve my highest good.
When it rains look for rainbows. When it’s dark look for stars.
Ultimately I can only control myself
The less I respond to negative people, the more peaceful my life will become
Stay humble. Work hard. Be kind.
Yesterday is not today
Die with memories not dreams
What consumes my mind, controls my life
I am the greatest – Muhammad Ali
Everything is within your power, and your power is within you – Janice Trachtman
My Mantra
I have some big goals for the next year, projects I have been dabbling with for a while now and always finding excuses as to why I don’t do it. So this year my mantra is:
I am enough!
I’ve got this!
No excuses!
Lots of exclamation marks.
Let me know what your Mantra is going to be this year.

If a Mantra feels too overwhelming try using one word that resonates. Below is a list of words that may work for you.
British Medical Journal December 2001
Journal of Advanced Nursing March 2006
Meditation and Yoga can Modulate Brain Mechanisms that affect Behavior and Anxiety-A Modern Scientific Perspective